Archive | March 23, 2013

Gold Blends!





Hi there!



……..” So good to see that you look the same as when I first met you, seventeen years ago he said, looking deeply into her eyes;
and he went on
and on praising her looks.

By now, she started feeling a bit uncomfortable, because she already knew she did not actually look the same, as all that time ago.


Seventeen whole years had eventually placed their marks on her face.
But, she also knew Bo      he was always being himself.
He would exaggerate forever.
His whole life was a big excess.

She started feeling in control again.
She relaxed and decided to enjoy the evening, as she always used to do in older times.


Mystical Seeds


What we use on our face to keep our complexion looking good is very important .
But, what we eat is actually of more significance.

Our internal health is reflected on our face.
So we need a balanced diet which includes the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants our skin needs to be and stay healthy.

The following are the most important nutrients for the skin’s particular needs.


The Requirements


Salmon Mandarins


(A)          Firming:

Eat all Berries, Pomegranates, dark Grapes, and Walnuts, because they are rich sources of Ellagic Acid, an antioxidant which has been found to protect the skin’s elastic fibres;
consequently it contributes
to firmness. 


(B)          Anti-Ageing:

          Eat Brazil Nuts, Liver, Fatty Fish, Whole Grains,
and Prawns, because they contain the mineral Selenium, which activates our natural antioxidant enzymes;
consequently it delays our ageing.

b)          Eat Bell Peppers, all Green Vegetables, Citrus Fruits and Kiwi, because they are rich sources of  the Vitamin C, which is vital for the production
of collagen to keep the skin youthful.


BrazilNuts Apples


(C)          Plumping:

Eat Apples, Broccoli, Soy, Chocolate, and Tea, because of their high content in Flavonoids;
antioxidants which support healthy skin, and improve circulation.

(D)          Hydrating:

Eat fatty Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Olive Oil, because their Fat content helps our body form healthy cells.


The wisest routine is to combine eating the necessary nutrients to maintain healthy and youthful skin, together with using the proper skin creams for the age
and type, in order to achieve better and quicker results.