Tag Archive | Positive Action






Hi there!



………. Last week together with a couple of old friends I went to my favourite café for a chat.
Since we were all at similar ages, and had the same interests, I decided to put the question:

What do you like most about the ageing process?
Not only they really welcomed my question, but also
they responded immediately and full of enthusiasm.

I feel much more comfortable with myself now,
and I don’t care what other people think or say .

I am definitely wiser, more experienced, certainly better financially now, and I can do anything I want, whenever I want it .

I really do feel absolutely free to do as I please,
including letting my hair go grey   —   after all, my hair is not who I am .

Undeniably, I’m much more understanding and patient with things and people around me .

They kept on and on and on ………


Pink Flowers


Gist Memory


Ageing is a continuing lifetime process;
it is a very challenging time, and it starts at the point of our birth.
Some people live in constant fear and apprehension of this deteriorating development, while others refuse to accept its frightening existence, by camouflaging themselves.

On the positive side, we must recognise that
very important things happen with age, like:

****          Financial security.

****          Self-confidence and inner strength,

****          Knowledge and experience,

****          Patience, wisdom and self-control.

Also, according to surveys, it seems that
the older we grow the happier, more settled, and more peaceful we become.

These days, midlife women are reconsidering
their whole approach to life at this stage, and they are feeling completely different than all previous generations.

They now decide to take more risks and be
bold, they desire more knowledge about all new things, and they really feel joyous and enthusiastic about experiencing this new, and big chapter in their life.


Woman in swing


Ground Zero


The secret to intelligent ageing is positive mental attitude;
to always remember,
that life is not perfect, and understand that ageing is a blessing.

Here is a list of how many midlife women feel today:

a)          Sexy,

because being sensual and seductive does not have expiration date.

b)          Youthful,
because they eat healthy, exercise, look after
their skins, and follow fashion.

c)          Gifted,

because of all the hard work and experiences they have been accumulating during the years.

d)          Vivacious,
because they are creative, and they love and play
as they wish without caring about anything or anybody else.

e)          Happy,
because they appreciate that they live only
once, and for a very short time, so life should be valued and cherished every moment.

f)          Daring,
because they want to try new things they never
did before, and live their own chosen way.

g)          Sociable,

because they realise how important this is to enable them to stay enthusiastic and passionate going through the next stages
of life.


Blue Flowers


Tour De Force


It is prejudicial and very damaging to keep concealing the truth regarding the real facts about ageing.
We all have to recognise that life is only temporary and at a cost;  
so, we should be grateful for our luck to have been born.

We are very fortunate to be living longer
than ever before, and be more healthy.
Older women now want to be noticed, and they aim for the way they present themselves, to express their confidence, passion, and enthusiasm for life.

They dare to take chances with their whole
They want to feel and look feminine, glamorous, daring, intelligent, dynamic, and fun-loving.


Statue lady


Paint The Town


Savour, cherish and treasure your life, as follows:

—          Future Concept:

Make a clear plan of how you want the rest of
your life to be.
What you want to be doing.
Where you want to live.
Various people in your life.
Your way of life, and full lifestyle.

—          Fear Recognition:

Analyse your worries and anxieties,
understand them. and find any possible solutions to them.

—          Positive Action:

Feel peaceful by using meditation, prayer,
and exercise.
Face your future on a daily basis.

Accept the reality of life, and focus on all good things you already have at this stage, as well as the advantages of being older.

—          Total Happiness:

Be informed and understanding, pleased
and friendly, thankful and satisfied.
Follow the lives of successful women at your age you admire to get inspiration.

Do you identify with all the above mentioned?

What is your inspiration?