Archive | June 22, 2016






Hi there!



………. Tamie was a very beautiful woman in her mid sixties (60 s).
She has been a famous artist for 
many years now, and much loved by all.

She had achieved everything she wanted in
her life:      a fantastic mansion, three cars, a lot of money to fulfil all her wishes as long as she lived, and a most attractive younger husband who adored her.

Her life was perfect 
 —   or perhaps not!
She had a huge problem      Tamie was so stressed that it was almost impossible for her to fall asleep at night   —   and this made her feel worse every day.

When the night came, she was always
frightened to go to bed, because it would happen;
Again the same!
My brain 
starts having all these endless thoughts, and continuous conversations;
they never
stop, and I can’t go to sleep.
It’s so hard
for me …… it’s torture.
I must do something
about this, otherwise, I won’t last long , she thought.
And so she did ……..


Calm wateron sandy beach


The Winged God 


Sleep is a common part of life;
and it is 
perfectly normal to wake up during the  night to turn, or adjust our covers,  or to go to the bathroom, or due to some noise.

As we grow older our body changes over
time, and our sleeping patterns become different.
Still, any human being will 
need the same amount of sleep during his entire life, with an average of six (6) to eight (8) hours every night.

Getting enough sleep is vital for the body
to repair itself and recover, in order to be healthy.
Obviously, there are internal factors, like, emotional stress, and external factors, like, physical changes, that disrupt our sleep.

The way we think, feel, and act during the
day, determines how well we will sleep at night.
So, take all the necessary steps in order to
feel calm, peaceful ,and happy as much as possible during the day;
as well as keeping your whole life under control, s
o that every night you get good quantity and quality sleep.


Bridge over pond


Lethean Water


The following tips will help you get great sleep, so that you can be physically and emotionally healthy:

          Your bedroom should be painted light
blue, or light green for relaxation, and it should be cool, dark, and quiet without Television or other screens.

      Make certain your bed is very comfortable,
and your pillows and covers give you a pleasant feeling.

          Go to bed and wake up similar time

          Go out of the house during the day to get
some natural light, on a daily basis.

          Have  a bedtime routine you follow
exactly every night, like:      washing your teeth, and taking care of your face.

any exercise in the evening, although a leisurely fifteen (15) to twenty (20) minute walk will be very useful.

         Have a healthy dinner at least three (3) hours
before you go to bed;
and avoid alcohol, 
caffeine, and too many liquids.
Have a cup of chamomile with a full teaspoon of honey.

Avoid any arguments, long discussions, and all kinds of work.

         Prepare your brain by reading, listening to music, and praying.


Glittering sea water


Magnum Opus


If you wake up during the night and have trouble falling back to sleep, try not to stress and worry, and follow the below steps:

Remain in your bed, breathe, relax,
and focus on repeating a word like Peace until you fall asleep again.

You can also help yourself by:

****          Taking Bach Rescue Remedy Night.
****          Smelling Lavender Pure Essential Oil.

         If at the end you find it absolutely
impossible to fall asleep again, use Mindfulness Meditation or Visualisation, in order to rejuvenate your body and mind, at least.

Have a good night’s sleep!